Our Mission

Oasis of Hope International is a faith-based nonprofit residential facility that provides a clean, safe, nurturing and supportive home for pregnant, homeless adolescents regardless of their color, race, creed, faith and religious background. We are dedicated to empowering and equipping these young ladies with the tools and the life skills that they will need to change the trajectory of their lives into a brighter and more positive future, thus changing their destiny and the lives of their unborn child.
Our Mission is to create a healthy family atmosphere for young women in need of a safe and nurturing environment, not only during their pregnancy but in preparation for parenting and readiness to transition into independent living. We promote the dignity and self-worth of all our residents and strive to improve their quality of life, promote healing, restoration and independence all while further developing their life skills.

At OASIS OF HOPE INTERNATIONAL our vision is to see the lives of each of our resident transformed to become a positive role model in their community and to create a better future for themselves and their unborn child, one life at a time.

We envision a community where women are healed, empowered and inspired. A community where they are empowered to live life to their full potential and to boldly and confidently achieve their goals. A community where encouragement is spoken, restoration is promoted and grace is given for their lives to be transformed.


What We Believe

WE BELIEVE...The Bible to be the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.

WE WORSHIP...One God, Creator of all things, who is existent in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

WE EXPERIENCE...The presence ministry of the Holy Spirit who indwells, guides, instructs and empowers the believer for Godly living and service. Every believer can and should be filled with the Holy Spirit.

WE FELLOWSHIP...Spiritual truths using physical symbols: Communion – the Lord’s Supper speaks of our sacred union with Christ, and Baptism – water baptism by immersion testifies to a heart cleansing by God’s grace and public witness of that inner work.

WE PROCLAIM...The resurrection of both the saved and the lost: those that are saved to the resurrection of eternal life and those that are lost to the resurrection of eternal separation from God.

WE ACCEPT...The promise of the resurrection of those who have fallen asleep in Christ together with those who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, which is the imminent and blessed hope of the church.

WE BELIEVE AND AFFIRM...The deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, that He was born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, performed miracles then and He is still performing miracles now. He died on the cross, shed His blood to atone for our sins and provides for the healing of our bodies. He was resurrected bodily from the grave after three days, ascended up into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of our Heavenly Father making intercessions for us. We believe that He will return in person as stated in the Book of Revelation and He will be coming back in power and in glory.